Two Fake Yacht-Master II Watches With The Same Reference Number

fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 2017

Yacht-Master, like other Rolex collections, was born out of professional needs. It is designed for the captain of a sailing boat. Rolex Yacht-Master II was first introduced in 2007 and it occupies a high position in Rolex watches. The original Yacht-Master is not a professional yacht watch, but a Submariner made of premium materials. But fake Yacht-Master II is a professional sports watch.

Different Birth Time, Same Reference Number

Rolex fake Yacht-Master II 116680 2017

Fake Yacht-Master II is a true professional yacht watch. It is equipped with a flyback chronograph and a programmable countdown timer. At Baselworld 2013, Rolex released fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680. Surprisingly, this is a Yacht-Master made of stainless steel.

At Baselworld 2017, Rolex modified the Yacht-Master II again. Strangely, Rolex chose to retain the 2013 reference number. So 2017’s new Yacht-Master II is also called fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680. This is a wonderful coincidence.

Same Appearance

Rolex Yacht-Master fake II 116680 2017

It is not possible for Rolex to use the same reference number for two different fake Yacht-Master II watches. So, your idea is correct. The two fake watches are very similar.

First, they are all made of stainless steel. Historically, every Yacht-Master has used precious metals. So these two stainless steel fake Yacht-Master II watches are the exception.

Second, they are the same size. In all Rolex watches, they share the largest size, 44MM. The same Oyster case offers the same waterproof depth, 100M.

Third, the same movement. They use a complex movement No. 4161. NO.4161 movement is derived from Daytona NO.4130 movement. Rolex adds more features to the 4130, such as a programmable countdown function. NO.4161 movement has been certified by COSC.

Different Dials

Rolex fake Yacht-Master II 116680 2013fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 2017

Four years apart, there are still some differences between these two fake Rolex watches. The biggest difference is inside the dial.

Change of pointer. The 2017 fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 has a bigger pointer. The stick-shaped hour hand was replaced with the iconic “Mercedes” hour hand. Then, the white part of the minute hand is hollowed out.

Change of time scale. The 12-time scales of the 2013 fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 are all the same square. 2017 fake Yacht-Master II updated two-time scales. A 12-point inverted triangle time scale and a 6-point rectangular time scale.

Yacht-Master II is one of the few complex Rolex watches. Although they don’t have a practical date feature, they have really complex features. Fake Yacht-Master II watches will help captains in sailing races have a perfect starting point.

The Two Most Complex Replica Rolex Watches, Sky-Dweller VS Yachtmaster II

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 replica

The Rolex brand is known for its simplicity, reliability, and durability. Most watches manufactured by Rolex have only three hands and a date window. Then there is the timing function. Although Rolex does not have this super complicated function of the tourbillon. But every function of Rolex is very useful. Compare today the two complex replica Rolex watches, Sky-Dweller and Yacht-Master II collections.

The Latest Rolex Collection


In 1905, Hans Wilsdorf formally established the Rolex brand. So far, Rolex has a history of 115 years. During this time, Rolex launched a lot of new watch collections and also eliminated many old collections. Sky-Dweller and Yacht-Master II are the two latest collections. The first is the Yacht-Master II, launched in 2007. Then came Sky-Dweller, which debuted at Baselworld in 2012.

Design Theme

Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 replica

Yacht-Master II is designed for athletes in sailing competitions. Sky-Dweller’s design is inspired by travelers. It is a great convenience for people who frequently change time zones. We take replica Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 and replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939 as examples.

replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939

Yacht-Master II 116680 has a 44MM stainless steel case. Its water resistance is 100 meters. Because the rowing watch is not designed for divers, 100M is enough. The size of Sky-Dweller 326939 is relatively small, 42MM. In addition, the Sky-Dweller collection does not yet have a 100% steel replica watch. Ref.326939 is made of 18K white gold. Sky-Dweller is also waterproof to 100M.

Complex Function

The comparison between features is the focus of this article. Due to different design themes, these two complex replica Rolex watches have different functions. Let’s start the comparison.

Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939 replica replica Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680


The replica Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 has Arabic numerals on the bezel ranging from 1 to 10. The effect of the number is to count down before crossing the starting line. The countdown is usually 5, 7, 10 minutes. So the 10-minute bezel is just right. Replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939 has a grooved bezel. The grooved bezel can also be rotated, its function is to adjust the time in the dial.


Replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939 has the most complex dial. The eccentric dial displays the second time zone in a 24-hour format. The date at three o’clock. And the month is displayed above the twelve-hour scale. The replica Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 is a stopwatch at six o’clock. The horseshoe ring is also a 10-minute countdown function.


These two complex replica Rolex watches certainly use different movements. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 uses the NO.4161 movement. The replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326939 uses NO.9001 movement. Both movements have 72-hour power and COSC certification. Both are excellent.

At the end, which complex Replica Rolex watches would you choose? Overall, the main function of the Yacht-Master II is the countdown. Sky-Dweller has dual time zones. I think Sky-Dweller is more practical. In daily life, we definitely need the date and dual time zone functions, but we do not necessarily use the countdown function. And the 42MM dial is more suitable for the average person’s wrist. Therefore, I recommend you to purchase Sky-Dweller in

Rolex Everose Replica Yacht-Master 116655 With Oysterflex Bracelet

Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655

In fact, Rolex was under pressure when it released its new watch. Because it’s not sure if new watchers will be liked by everyone. If no one pays attention and buys a new watch, this is a very awkward thing. So what do you think of this Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655 with Oysterflex bracelet?

First Yacht-Master With Oysterflex Bracelet

replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655

This replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655, released in 2015, is a bit extreme. Instead of the original oyster bracelet, this sports watch uses an Oysterflex bracelet. Will the introduction of Oysterflex bracelets detract from Rolex’s luxury claims? This is the first time Rolex has used Oysterflex Bracelet.

But this is not an ordinary rubber bracelet, this is an official product designed and tested. At the center of the bracelet is a thin titanium/nickel alloy blade. The metal foil connects the case and the buckle and forms the curved shape of the bracelet. The wings on the inside of the bracelet are also for comfort. The wing not only provides some cushioning but also helps the bracelet to ventilate on sweaty days. So Oysterflex is not only as soft and comfortable as rubber but also as durable as metal bracelets. I think Oysterflex Bracelet adds freshness and modernity to already classic watches.

First Yacht-Master With Everose

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 fake

The replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655‘s 40MM dial uses Everose. Everose is not a new material, but this is the first time Yacht-Master has used Everose. 18ct Everose is a red-gold alloy developed by Rolex. Everose contains platinum to ensure that colors do not change over time. The crown and buckle are made of the same material.

First Yacht-Master With Matt Bezel

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 replica

The black frosted Cerachrom bezel is also new to Rolex Yacht-Master. Unlike the typical glossy Cerachrom bezel, this special two-way Cerachrom bezel is special in that it has a matte finish. And it is very resistant to corrosion. This proprietary ceramic material is very hard and highly scratch resistant. It will not fade due to the sunlight rich people. Scales and numbers are embossed.


The design of the black dial is no different from the previous Yacht-Master watches. The “MaxI” dial is also used. However, replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 comes in two styles. The first is a 40MM men’s replica watch, the other is a 37MM female watch. Because of the different sizes, they are equipped with different movements. The movement in Ref. 116655 is a NO. 3135 movement, which has the same power as the Submariner, 50 hours.

This is indeed a watch belonging to the Yacht-Master collection. But this is another brand new watch. Because the appearance of this watch represents a brand-new development direction belonging to the Yacht-Master collection. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 opens up more horizons for Yachtmaster watches. In the coming days, we will see more Everose Yacht-Master and Oysterflex Bracelet Rolex watches replica.

Luxurious Two-Tone Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 16623

The Rolex brand is known for its classic and traditional watches. The Yacht-Master collection looks very similar to the Rolex Submariner. So we think that Yacht-Master is the deluxe version of Submariner. Yacht-Master is also worn in different places. They are designed for people-watching yacht races and playing in clubs. In general, the people who appear in these places have a complex status and identity. So Yacht-Master is more luxurious than stainless steel Rolex. Today’s protagonist is the luxurious Rolex Yacht-Master 16623.

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623

Association Between Yacht-Master And Yacht Race

Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 Replica

In maritime racing, yachting is a sport that requires the cooperation of all crew. Rolex has sponsored yacht races since 1958. Rolex’s partnership with yacht events continues to this day. So far, this luxury brand has sponsored more than a dozen international yachting events. However, it was not until 1992 that Rolex launched the Yacht-Master watch. The first replica watch of the Rolex Yacht-Master family was Ref. 16628. Its origin means that it has a high status. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is all made of gold. The white dial also features gold hands and hour markers. The central hour marker is also an iconic Mercedes pattern.

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 Replica

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 16623

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 is a Rolexor watch launched by Rolex in 2005. This watch offers many dial combinations. These include white, mother-of-pearl (MOP), blue, champagne, brown and silver. You can find these colors in the store. They all have a perfect size, 40MM. Both men and women can wear this watch perfectly.

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 Replica

Compared to the first gold Ref. 16628, the replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 is more understated. Because some of its details use stainless steel. Except for the bezel and the center link of the bracelet, the other parts are made of stainless steel. Gold hands and hour markers complete the charm of the Yacht-Master 16623 dial. The scale on the bezel makes it easy to set and monitor the time remaining before the regatta begins. Invariably, this Rolex Yacht-Master watch still uses Cali. 3135 movement.

Although the replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 has a triple lock crown, it is only water-resistant to 100M. So this collection of watches is not suitable for accompanying divers into the water. In short, Yacht-Master is suitable for specific sweeps on water, while Submariner is more suitable for underwater sports. Yacht-Master is a luxurious sports watch for everyday wear.