Best Rolex Fake Daytona Watches To Buy

Fake Rolex Fake Daytona 116515LN watch 40MM

To date, the Rolex Daytona series has been around for almost 60 years. Daytona has been a successful series since its inception. And Daytona’s style is very rich, there are many representative models. This article introduces several best Rolex fake Daytona watches from 1165xx.

Rolex Daytona 116500LN 40MM

Rolex Fake Daytona 116500LN watch 40MM

Replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN was released in 2016. It is also the watch most-watched in 2016. It replaces Ref. 116520. The case and bracelet are made of stainless steel. But the bezel has been greatly updated. The latest Cerachrom black bezel is treated with platinum PVD, so it looks exquisite, rich and refined. Then, the dial is a classic black and white panda dial. The black and white design gives this watch an excellent heritage. No matter what time in the future, black and white is a sign of fashion. And it is also equipped with a NO.4130 movement that has become the pinnacle. This fake Rolex watch will become one of the most classic fake watches in the Daytona collection.

Rolex Daytona 116506 40MM

Fake Rolex Daytona 116506 watch 40MM

Daytona began in 1963. At the 50th anniversary of Rolex Daytona in 2013, replica Rolex Daytona 116506 appeared. This is Rolex’s first platinum release of Daytona. Because of platinum, Rolex Daytona 116506 weighs 286 grams. Another surprise was the ice-blue dial and brown ceramic bezel. Vivid blue and calm brown left a deep impression on everyone. And it also has the strongest NO.4130 movement. So some people think this is a Rolex fake Daytona watch designed for collectors.

Rolex Daytona 116508 40MM

Fake Rolex Daytona 116508 watch 40MM

Fake Rolex Daytona 116508 was also released in 2016. However, the dark green dial at that time did not attract most people’s attention. But its fate changed dramatically because of John Mayer. John Mayer introduced Rolex Daytona 116508 in Talking Watches Part 2. Rolex Daytona 116508 was then sold out within a month. The green Rolex fake Daytona in 18ct yellow gold is a legendary watch. Moreover, you will find that the inside of it is still NO.4130 movement. In the future, it is likely to become an excellent auction item.

Rolex Fake Daytona 116515LN 40MM

Fake Rolex Fake Daytona 116515LN watch 40MM

Now let me introduce a Rolex Daytona watch with a rubber or leather strap. Fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN was released in 2017. Its color is also impressive. The black ceramic bezel has a dial with chocolate Arabic numerals, and the case is made of 18ct yellow gold. Calm colors and a black alligator strap make this Daytona watch more suitable for suits and casual matches. Similarly, the power for this Rolex Daytona watch is the No. 4130 movement. A daily Rolex fake Daytona watch is also a good choice.

In fact, the overall design of Daytona has not changed much since its birth. The main changes are the use of materials, the color mix and the advancement of the movement. Of course, the current Rolex Daytona is a 40MM dial using the No. 4130 movement. The latest Daytona and Ref. 6234 of 1955 are put together, you still think that the two watches may be from the same model.

In a word, Rolex Daytona has a timeless design and superior quality, and each of us will be attracted to it sooner or later.

Best Rolex Fake Air-King Watches To Buy

Rolex Air-king 116900 fake watch

In the Rolex fake brand, Air-King Range is a very strong series. During World War II, the Air series joined Air-Lion, Air-Giant, Air-Tiger, and finally Air-King has survived to this day. Rolex Air-King was first released in 1945. Air-King is specifically designed for pilots. The 1945 Rolex Air-King watch paid tribute to the pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain. Next, let’s take a look at which watches are worth buying in the Air-King Range.

In 2007, Fake Rolex Air-King 114200

Rolex Air-king 114200 fake watch

This is the first COSC-certified watch released in Air-King history. It uses the NO.3130 movement. NO.3130 movement is antimagnetic because of the presence of blue Parachrom hairspring. The fake Rolex Air-King 114200 retains the same design as the original Air-King. But it embodies a more modern and stylish feel. And white gold grooved bezel first appeared in Rolex Air-King 114200. In addition, the new Air-King has a larger and thicker case. Although the flight watch is not concerned about water resistance, the Rolex Air-King 114200 has a waterproof depth of 100M with the help of the Oyster case.

In 2016, Fake Rolex Air-King 116900

Fake Rolex Air-King 116900

Replica Rolex Air-King 116900 is a fake watch that returned in 2016. 116900 is now the only Air-King series watch on the Rolex fake website. Compared with previous Air-King watches, it has a lot of changes. The first is to increase the size of 40MM. The second is the design of the dial. The word “ROLEX” inside the Rolex Air-King 116900 dial is different from the crown. The crown is yellow, but “Rolex” is green. Finally, and most importantly, the movement was replaced with the same No. 3131 movement as Milgauss. No. 3131 movement has professional anti-magnetic, so it is more expensive.

Rolex Air-king 5500 replica

In fact, although Air-King has a long history, it has not released many fake watches. The earliest Rolex Air-King was Ref. 4925. Then there were several models, such as Ref. 4499. In 1953, Ref. 6652 brought a milky silver dial and hour markers. Then came the birth of Ref. 5500 in 1957. And it has ruled Air-King for 37 years. Next are the two fake Rolex Air-Kings I mentioned above that are worth buying: Ref. 114200 and Ref. 116900.

Finally, I would like to say that Rolex Air-King 114200 has many dials. You can definitely find your favorite watch in this series. Of course, you can also buy your favorite high-quality replica watches in the hont watch online store.


The Best Rolex Fake Watch In Every Collection 3.3

Rolex fake Rolex Cellini 50535 watch

Of the 15 Rolex collections, there are five of the best Rolex fake watches left unwritten. Now let’s read on.

In Sea-Dweller: Rolex Sea-Dweller 126600 43MM

Rolex fake watch Sea-Dweller 126600


2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Sea-Dweller series. Fake Rolex Sea-Dweller 126600 is the 50th-anniversary model launched in 2017. It has a large size of 43MM. And it uses a stainless steel black ceramic bezel as a whole. As a professional waterproof series in the Rolex brand, it has a water resistance of 1,220 meters. Secondly, the Chromalight technology used in this watch can actually emit blue light for up to eight hours. The addition of Cyclops makes it easier for divers to see underwater dates. Finally, a modern watch is the best Rolex fake watch in the Sea-Dweller collection.

In Sky-Dweller: Rolex Sky-Dweller 326135 42mm

Rolex fake watch Rolex Sky-Dweller 326135

The Sky-Dweller collection is the most complex collection of Rolex watches, comparable to the Yacht-Master II. Since its introduction in 2012, the design of each fake watch of the Sky-Dweller series is very similar. It is nothing more than a change in color and material. In the end, I chose the replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 326135 with a grey rhodium dial. In fact, the gray dial is very rare in the Rolex brand. And it also comes with a luxurious dark brown alligator strap. The most important thing is that the Rolex Sky-Dweller 326135 has dual time zone, month, and date functions. This is due to the credit of the NO.9001 movement. Such a fashionable and practical watch is definitely the best Rolex fake watch in the Sky-Dweller series.

In Submariner: Rolex Submariner 116610LN 40MM

Rolex fake Rolex Submariner 116610LN watch

Now it’s the most popular Submariner series. You might think that I would recommend the Rolex Submariner 116610LV with a green dial. But no, I want to recommend the black Rolex Submariner 116610LN. Rolex Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV have the same design and the same water-resistant depth of 100M. There is also a date window at three o’clock on the dial. The 40MM dial is also very popular.

In Yacht-Master: Rolex Yacht-Master 226659 42MM

Rolex fake Rolex Yacht-Master 226659 watch

Finally the Yacht-Master’s turn, without hesitation, I will definitely choose the fake Rolex Yacht-Master 226659 with a rubber strap. The rubber strap is more comfortable on your wrist when you are exercising. Overnight in 2015, Yacht-Master suddenly changed from a metal yacht to a rubber. The gorgeous 18K white gold case and matte black features make it suddenly more modern, stylish and vivid. And Rolex Yacht-Master 226659 also uses the NO.3235 movement launched in 2015. The NO.3235 movement can store 72 hours of power.

In Cellini: Rolex Cellini 50535 39MM

Rolex fake Rolex Cellini 50535 watch

Cellini, as the only formal dress series of Rolex, has the most fashionable design. There are many styles of the Cellini series. But I chose the most special Rolex among Rolex watches, which is the Rolex Cellini 50535 moon phase watch. This is the only moon phase watch in the Rolex brand for nearly 70 years. At the same time, the lunar phase circle of the full moon and the new moon is located at six o’clock on the dial. The fourth long blue hand inside the dial points to the date. Rolex Cellini 50535 is a cute and stylish Cellini dress watch.

The best Rolex fake watches in the 15 series on Rolex’s official website are finally finished. Of course, if you have a better referral welcome message to tell me. We had a happy discussion together.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.1.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.2.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.2

fake watch Rolex Pearlmaster 80359

The previous article discussed the best fake Rolex watches in the first five collections. This article continues with the next five.

In Explorer: Rolex Explorer 214270 39MM

fake Rolex Explorer 214270 watch

Rolex Explorer 214270 is an entry-level Rolex watch released in 2016. It consists of an oyster case and a black dial. And the 3, 6, and 9 numbers in the dial have become larger. Although entry-level, it uses No. 3132 movement with Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorber. At the same time, Rolex Explorer 214270 has a waterproof depth of 100M. Because it has a simple, classic dial, it is more suitable for casual and stylish combinations. A classic entry-level watch can also be the best fake Rolex watch in the Explorer series.

In GMT-Master II: Rolex GMT-Master II 126710BLRO 40MM

fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126710BLRO watch

There are two fake watches in the GMT-Master II series that make me hesitant. One is “Batman” and the other is “Pepsi.” I like the bezel color of both watches very much. But in the end, I chose the more active 126710BLRO. When you’re on vacation, the fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126710BLRO with a red and blue bezel on your wrist is a better choice. This model is not the platinum “Pepsi” GM II in 2014, but the steel “Pepsi” in 2018. You should know that ceramic rings with red and blue stitching are very precious. And it also uses GMT’s latest NO.3285 movement. NO.3285 movement not only has better anti-magnetic ability but also has a longer power reserve -70 hours. A highly efficient “Pepsi” is undoubtedly one of the best Rolex watches in the GMT-Master II series.

In Milgauss: Rolex Milgauss 116400GV 40MM

Rolex Milgauss 116400GV fake watch

Rolex Milgauss 116400GV was announced in Basel in 2014. The main feature of the Milgauss series watches is anti-magnetic. But its diamagnetic ability has not become stronger, it is still 1000 gauss diamagnetic force. The reason for this 2014 Milgauss plus GV is that its mirror is green sapphire crystal. This is the first colored mirror in Rolex history. So “GV” is the biggest selling point of this watch. The Rolex brand also claims that it is very difficult to produce this colored mirror.

In Oyster Perpetual: Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 39MM

Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 fake watch

The Oyster Perpetual watch is an entry-level collection of the Rolex brand. And Oyster Perpetual series has the most complete size and style. I chose one of the most popular sizes-39MM. Then comes a fake Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 with a classic black dial. The overall design of Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 is very simple, an oyster bracelet made of 904L steel and a simple design dial. Because of its simplicity, it is suitable for any time and place. Having a watch that won’t let you go wrong is a great option.

In Pearlmaster: Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 29MM

fake watch Rolex Pearlmaster 80359

The Pearlmaster collection is representative of jewelry and watches. I personally don’t like the entire watch to be diamond. So I chose the Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 with a medium number of diamonds. The dial of 29MM is very suitable for elegant girls. Most attractive is the Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 which has a mother-of-pearl dial. This is followed by double-row pavé diamonds on the bezel and diamond indexes on the dial. Although this luxurious Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 has been discontinued. But it is still the best fake Rolex watch in the Pearlmaster series.

The second watch of Rolex’s five series has been introduced, please wait patiently for the last one.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.1.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.3.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.1

fake Rolex brand logo

From the Rolex website, we can see that Rolex now has a total of 15 series. These mainly include sports series and formal series. 15 series covers the sky, underwater, and land adventures. Let’s take a look at the best fake Rolex watch in each series. We start talking in the order of the official website.

In Air-King: Rolex Air-King 116900 40MM

fake Rolex Air-King 116900 40MM watch

I previously had a dedicated article detailing the fake Rolex Air-King 116900. So here I will briefly describe it. The Rolex Air-King 116900 is the first Air-King after Air-King was discontinued in 2014. This new Rolex Air-King 116900 was officially released in 2016. It has three major innovations. the first. Rolex Air-King 116900 expands the dial to 40MM. Second, it uses No. 3131 movement with diamagnetic properties. Third, the new Air-King uses a new yellow-green dial. The Rolex Air-King 116900 with three innovations at once is definitely the best fake Rolex watch in the Air-King series.

In Daytona: Rolex Daytona 116500LN 40MM

fake watch Rolex Daytona 116500LN

There are too many masterpieces of the Daytona series. Daytona mainly has seven classifications of stainless steel, gold and steel, white gold, pure gold, pure rose gold, platinum ice blue, and diamond rainbow circle. After a long struggle, I still chose the classic stainless steel Daytona. I don’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate, I chose fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN. Rolex Daytona 116500LN has black and white dials. Both dials are classic panda dials. The black ceramic bezel is the biggest difference in this Daytona. The ceramic bezel is characterized by its rigidity and abrasion resistance. And Rolex Daytona 116500LN has a 16-year-old NO.4130 movement. The NO.4130 movement is the best movement in the same class of movements. However, I still chose it as the best fake Rolex watch in the Daytona series because of the black ceramic bezel.

In Datejust: Rolex Datejust 126234 36MM

fake Rolex Datejust 126234 36MM

The Datejust series is available in two sizes. One is the classic 36MM Datejust, and the other is the 41MM Datejust II. After comparing the two, I chose the more elegant 36MM. The final model I identified was fake Rolex Datejust 126234, which uses Rolesor material and Jubilee bracelets. The biggest feature of the Jubilee bracelet is wearing comfort. Rolex Datejust 126234 features hour markers, hands and grooved bezel made of 18-carat white gold that are very beautiful in the sun.

In Lady-Datejust: Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ 31MM

fake Rolex watch Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ

A Rolex female watch, I did not choose Lady-Datejust with diamonds. It is a Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ sculpted with flowers. Because flowers are more understated and versatile than diamonds. It can be paired with elegant dresses, suits, and casual T-shirts. When I first saw the grey floral dial, I wanted to wear it on my hands (own it). And the overall material of Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ is stainless steel. It also has a smooth bezel. And you should know that the smooth bezel is the only option for all-steel models. A Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ using relief technology is why I made it the best fake Rolex watch in the Lady-Datejust series.

In Day-Date: Rolex Day-Date 18238 36MM

fake Rolex Day-Date 18238 watch

To be honest, a fake watch made of pure gold is indeed exaggerated and not suitable for daily wear. But when I saw that the Day-Date watches were all pure gold, I thought it was a noble work of art. And the appearance of Rolex Day-Date 18238 is also the debut of the Double Quickset function. Later, Day-Date was also called the “President’s Watch.” The 36MM Rolex Day-Date 18238 is a male watch, but it is also very popular with girls. Above all, Day-Date is always a manifestation of power, seniority and wealth.

This article first introduces the best fake Rolex watch in the first five series. It is too much to write 15 watches in one article, so I will divide it into three articles to complete. Please be patient and look forward to the next article.

The best Rolex watch in every collection 3.2.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.3.