Rolex Everose Replica Yacht-Master 116655 With Oysterflex Bracelet

Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655

In fact, Rolex was under pressure when it released its new watch. Because it’s not sure if new watchers will be liked by everyone. If no one pays attention and buys a new watch, this is a very awkward thing. So what do you think of this Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655 with Oysterflex bracelet?

First Yacht-Master With Oysterflex Bracelet

replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655

This replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655, released in 2015, is a bit extreme. Instead of the original oyster bracelet, this sports watch uses an Oysterflex bracelet. Will the introduction of Oysterflex bracelets detract from Rolex’s luxury claims? This is the first time Rolex has used Oysterflex Bracelet.

But this is not an ordinary rubber bracelet, this is an official product designed and tested. At the center of the bracelet is a thin titanium/nickel alloy blade. The metal foil connects the case and the buckle and forms the curved shape of the bracelet. The wings on the inside of the bracelet are also for comfort. The wing not only provides some cushioning but also helps the bracelet to ventilate on sweaty days. So Oysterflex is not only as soft and comfortable as rubber but also as durable as metal bracelets. I think Oysterflex Bracelet adds freshness and modernity to already classic watches.

First Yacht-Master With Everose

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 fake

The replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655‘s 40MM dial uses Everose. Everose is not a new material, but this is the first time Yacht-Master has used Everose. 18ct Everose is a red-gold alloy developed by Rolex. Everose contains platinum to ensure that colors do not change over time. The crown and buckle are made of the same material.

First Yacht-Master With Matt Bezel

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 replica

The black frosted Cerachrom bezel is also new to Rolex Yacht-Master. Unlike the typical glossy Cerachrom bezel, this special two-way Cerachrom bezel is special in that it has a matte finish. And it is very resistant to corrosion. This proprietary ceramic material is very hard and highly scratch resistant. It will not fade due to the sunlight rich people. Scales and numbers are embossed.


The design of the black dial is no different from the previous Yacht-Master watches. The “MaxI” dial is also used. However, replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 comes in two styles. The first is a 40MM men’s replica watch, the other is a 37MM female watch. Because of the different sizes, they are equipped with different movements. The movement in Ref. 116655 is a NO. 3135 movement, which has the same power as the Submariner, 50 hours.

This is indeed a watch belonging to the Yacht-Master collection. But this is another brand new watch. Because the appearance of this watch represents a brand-new development direction belonging to the Yacht-Master collection. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 opens up more horizons for Yachtmaster watches. In the coming days, we will see more Everose Yacht-Master and Oysterflex Bracelet Rolex watches replica.

Luxurious Two-Tone Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 16623

The Rolex brand is known for its classic and traditional watches. The Yacht-Master collection looks very similar to the Rolex Submariner. So we think that Yacht-Master is the deluxe version of Submariner. Yacht-Master is also worn in different places. They are designed for people-watching yacht races and playing in clubs. In general, the people who appear in these places have a complex status and identity. So Yacht-Master is more luxurious than stainless steel Rolex. Today’s protagonist is the luxurious Rolex Yacht-Master 16623.

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623

Association Between Yacht-Master And Yacht Race

Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 Replica

In maritime racing, yachting is a sport that requires the cooperation of all crew. Rolex has sponsored yacht races since 1958. Rolex’s partnership with yacht events continues to this day. So far, this luxury brand has sponsored more than a dozen international yachting events. However, it was not until 1992 that Rolex launched the Yacht-Master watch. The first replica watch of the Rolex Yacht-Master family was Ref. 16628. Its origin means that it has a high status. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is all made of gold. The white dial also features gold hands and hour markers. The central hour marker is also an iconic Mercedes pattern.

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 Replica

Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 16623

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 is a Rolexor watch launched by Rolex in 2005. This watch offers many dial combinations. These include white, mother-of-pearl (MOP), blue, champagne, brown and silver. You can find these colors in the store. They all have a perfect size, 40MM. Both men and women can wear this watch perfectly.

Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 Replica

Compared to the first gold Ref. 16628, the replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 is more understated. Because some of its details use stainless steel. Except for the bezel and the center link of the bracelet, the other parts are made of stainless steel. Gold hands and hour markers complete the charm of the Yacht-Master 16623 dial. The scale on the bezel makes it easy to set and monitor the time remaining before the regatta begins. Invariably, this Rolex Yacht-Master watch still uses Cali. 3135 movement.

Although the replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16623 has a triple lock crown, it is only water-resistant to 100M. So this collection of watches is not suitable for accompanying divers into the water. In short, Yacht-Master is suitable for specific sweeps on water, while Submariner is more suitable for underwater sports. Yacht-Master is a luxurious sports watch for everyday wear.

Fake Panerai Radiomir PAM 931 With California Dial

fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931

Army watches are an advantage of Panerai. The reason why Panerai is great is that they incorporate modern and fashionable elements into retro designs. They not only inherit the classic appearance, but also the style full of modern personality. For example, fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931, which is described in this article.

Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 Fake

fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931

Why did fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 join California? Because it has a California dial. In order to show the classic, the dial of the 47MM uses a Plexiglas mirror. Dark brown calfskin strap with distressed texture. The strap is also paired with beige stitching, showing a strap that has been used for a long time. The large P.3000 movement under the transparent bottom cover is perfectly integrated with the 47MM case.

California Dial

The California dial is very special. Arabic numerals are used for the lower half of the faceplate. However, the upper half uses Roman numeral time scales. There are also four time scales using horizontal lines and inverted triangles. In other words, each time stamp of PAM00931 has its own characteristics.

Panerai fake Radiomir California PAM00931

The name of the California dial comes from a workshop in California that restores antique dials. Why is there such a special dial? Some people think it is for readability. Different types of time stamps prevent the wearer from seeing the time incorrectly due to similar numbers. Others said that the manufacturers intentionally made different time stamps on the same faceplate. At that time it was only used as a watch model.

Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 fake

The California dial was used on the Panerai diving watch in 1936. And the design of Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 was inspired by World War II. So the purpose of this fake watch is to show the modern classic watch again. PAM00931 is the first Panerai watch with a gradual California dial. The gradient dial is inspired by the fade of the old luminous material radium. The outermost ring of the dial is a track-type minute scale. The 1936 California watch was protected by the military, so the dial was very clean, with no brand and collection text. Therefore, the dial of fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 does not add any logo.

PAM00931 is based on the fake Panerai watch made in 1936 for the special needs of the Italian Royal Navy. The retro feel presented by fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 is naturally set off by a long history.

Why Choose A Fake Omega Dive Watch Seamaster Diver 300m?

Omega Seamaster replica Diver 300M

The diving watch is a professional sports watch. In fact, many Swiss luxury brands have dive watch collections. Such as Rolex, Panerai, Omega and so on. Among them, the highest visibility should be Rolex. But the protagonist of this article is the same excellent fake Omega diving watch.

Omega Seamaster Diver 300M was born in 1993. But we must admit that the reason most people know it is the 007 movie. Diver 300M is James’ favorite watch. Overall, the Diver 300M can be divided into four versions. The first is a stainless steel case with a rubber strap. Second, a stainless steel case with a stainless steel bracelet. Third, a two tone case with a rubber strap. Fourth, titanium tantalum version.

Omega Power Up

Omega Seamaster Diver 300M replica

In recent years, Omega’s strength has improved tremendously. I also have a new understanding of the Omega brand. Now, if a friend asks what watch to buy. I usually recommend Omega. The reason is that Omega is a luxury fake watch that fits perfectly with market demand. And Omega Seamaster Diver 300M is the representative of this brand.

High Brand Awareness

Omega is definitely one of the most well-known watches in the world. Since Omega entered the international market very early, many older people know about Omega. Today, it can be said that young and old know it. Although there are many watch brands entering the international market, many of them are only distributed among collectors. Even if it is a mainstream brand watch in the market, for ordinary consumers, many watch brands are unfamiliar. Fake Omega has a huge influence in both the international and domestic markets.

Beautiful Appearance

Omega Seamaster replica Diver 300M

Seamaster Diver 300M is the main series of Omega, it has a very high value. The size of the new fake Omega Seamaster Diver 300M is 42MM. Because the lugs of the new watches are longer, they use an approximately circular polygonal bezel. So although it is 42MM, actually the hand size is very suitable. As a result, different case and lug designs have a great impact on the wearing effect on the wrist of the opponent. The Seamaster Diver 300M this time includes black, white, blue, and going dials. Omega offers buyers more options.

Classic Design

Omega Seamaster Diver 300M is a series launched in 1993. After nearly 30 years of continuous development to this day. It has a coherent history and development without pause. So this collection has a continuous and stable classic design. From the perspective of consumers, the appearance of fake Omega Seamaster Diver 300M is in line with the public’s aesthetics.

Outstanding Technology

replica Omega Seamaster Diver 300M

The Seamaster Diver 300M watch has the best performance in its class and price. This is the biggest highlight of this collection. The fake Omega Seamaster Diver 300M uses a ceramic bezel. And it is water-resistant to 300 meters. The new Diver 300M watch uses the No. 8800 movement. NO.8800 movement has 55 hours of power, with date jump function and 15000 Gauss antimagnetic ability.

Regardless of performance, appearance or price, Omega diving watches are a good choice. If you are interested in Omega watches, you can buy them at

The Best Fake Rolex Diving Watch Deepsea

replica Rolex Deepsea 116660

Rolex Submariner is really hot, especially in China. Although Sky-Dweller is not as hot as Submariner, it also has a large number of loyal fans. Some fans who can’t buy Submariner will choose Sky-Dweller. In general, people wearing Submariner and Sky-Dweller are often seen in life.

Rolex Deepsea 116660 Replica

replica Rolex Deepsea 116660

Fake Rolex Deepsea 116660 is the top diving watch launched by Rolex in 2008. The best-selling Submariner has a diving depth of only 300 meters. But Deepsea can withstand the water pressure of 3,900 meters. Just looking at the appearance, many people think that Deepsea is a large Submariner. But in fact, it’s not. There is still a big difference between Submariner and Deepsea.

In 1967, Rolex joined the Deepsea collection. And 1967 was a crucial time for Rolex fake. Because this year Rolex decided to cooperate with Comex. Therefore, Deepsea has more practical and professional functions. After Rolex and Comex cooperate, Deepsea’s production is bound to be affected by Comex diving data. So from a professional diving perspective, Deepsea has the highest diving performance.

Ring Lock System

Rolex Deepsea 116660 replica

The case of the fake Rolex Deepsea 116660 is thicker than the Submariner. But the most powerful diving watch is not enough to rely on a thickened case. The 904L stainless steel commonly used by Rolex is excellent at preventing seawater corrosion. However, the case made of 904L stainless steel cannot withstand the water pressure of 3900M underwater. So Deepsea used a Rolex diving watch unique Ring Lock System. This line is also engraved on the bottom cover of Deepsea.

Rolex replica Deepsea 116660

The Ring Lock System is divided into an inner shell and an outer shell. The inner case is used for waterproofing, and the outer case is only used to connect the bracelet. The inner case has a very strong nitrogen alloy stainless steel ring, which serves as the middle bracket of the watch fake. The bottom cover is also double-layered. The interior is made of thickened nitrogen alloy stainless steel to resist pressure and water resistance. On the outside is a ring that holds the nitrogen alloy stainless steel inner lid firmly. Deepsea is able to withstand 3 tons of pressure because of this complicated design.

But I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Deepsea? The huge case and the circular helium exhaust valve on the left side of the case have high recognition. Under the current flooding of Submariner and Sky-Dweller, wearing Deepsea is completely more attractive.

Classic Fake Panerai Luminor PAM321 Of 1950S

replica Panerai Luminor PAM321

The relatively new brand Panerai has become an iconic brand. Panerai, like many other luxury brands, has an intermittent history due to various reasons such as the times. The Panerai brand was founded in Firenze in 1860. At that time it had a solid foundation because it became a watch supplier to the Italian Navy. Fake Panerai produces countless large-sized watches for men. What impressed me most was the Panerai Luminor PAM321.

Panerai Luminor PAM321 replica


Men’s watches produced by Panerai have always been large in size. For example, the fake Panerai Luminor PAM321 has a 44MM wide and 19MM thick case. Although the large case is more handsome, it has a lot of limitations. Many people who like it don’t buy it. Such as thin people or girls. Because the size of this watch is too large to fit these people’s thin wrists. However, these two years Panerai started to produce a small number of 40MM watches. If you like the design of this brand, you can choose these smaller dials.

Clever Design

replica Panerai Luminor PAM321

Panerai watches always have some of the same designs. Such as cushion boxes, simple dials, clear graduations, and the most classic crown protection. The crown mechanism uses the principle of leverage. This doubles the protection of the Panerai’s crown. Only after releasing the lever can you turn the crown to adjust the time. Since 1960, Panerai has patented this device. Without a doubt, this has become the most representative feature of fake Panerai.


The most incredible thing is that this Panerai watch has amazing readability. The readability is so good because of the use of Radiomir. This is a patented luminous material. To the extent that you can simply use it during the day, you can also get readability all night long. And the scale and time scale use this luminous material.

Diving Watch

Fake Panerai Luminor PAM321 is a professional diving watch. So the waterproof depth of 300M does not make people feel meaningful. At the same time this fake watch has a sporty look. Another advantage of Panerai watches is that the strap can be changed at will. You need a leather strap in your daily life. But if you want to dive, a stainless steel bracelet or rubber strap is a better choice.


Panerai replica Luminor PAM321

This Panerai watch uses the P.9002 automatic movement inside. Like other luxury brand watches, Panerai’s P.9002 movement also has COSC certification. This movement is characterized by a 72-hour power reserve and a quick reset of the second hand. The four o’clock position of the dial shows the amount of power available. In addition, this movement also provides date and GMT functions. The date window is at three o’clock. The GMT small dial is located at nine o’clock.

Sometimes you like this watch because of its function and appearance. But many people will always love watches because they think they bring different meanings. So would you like this practical large size Panerai men’s watch?

Rolex “Rolesor” Replica Datejust 126231 Watch Review

replica Rolex Datejust 126231

The GMT-Master II Pepsi bezel at Baselworld 2018 has made countless Rolex cheer. But there is also the same classic Rolex Datejust 36MM watch also updated with three new watches. But the other two have diamonds. Today’s protagonist is the more earthy Rolex replica Datejust 126231.

Rolex replica Datejust 126231


Datejust is the first waterproof replica watch to display the date at 3 o’clock. Since its launch in 1945, it has maintained a strong development trend. Replica Rolex Datejust 126231 uses Rolesor technology. This is a professional term for Rolex. Rolesor refers to the combination of 18K yellow gold and stainless steel. 1948 was the first time Rolesor appeared on the Datejust series. Rolesor has not only contributed to the current position of Datejust, but also laid the foundation.


Rolex Datejust 126231 replica

Replica Rolex Datejust 126231 has a fine gold case. The bezel, crown and polished central link of this watch are made of 18k eternal rose gold. The case and links on both sides of the bracelet are made of 904L stainless steel. The combination of rose gold and stainless steel makes this replica Datejust watch not only elegant but also sporty and stylish. Therefore, it is suitable for daily wear and can also be used as a formal watch.


replica Rolex Datejust 126231

This is also the first time that replica Rolex Datejust 126231 uses Cal. 3235. Cal.3235 movement has better improvements in terms of accuracy, power reserve, shock resistance and anti-magnetism. It is also certified by Rolex as the most advanced astronomical clock. And Rolex also offers a 5-year warranty for Datejust 126231.

Replica Rolex Datejust 126231 witnessed a turning point in Datejust. So it has a more interesting story. A simple and luxurious replica Datejust is a good choice.

A Two Toned Replica Watch, Rolex Submariner 116613LB

Rolex Submariner 116613LB replica

Rolex is a classic brand in the Swiss watch industry. The watches of this brand are widely loved by successful people for their solemn and practical style. The most important thing is that Rolex watches have a high investment and treasure value. Although Rolex is not cheap, it is still in short supply. General replica watch can only enter the trash can when they are worn out. But Rolex is different. Its value doubles every six or seven years.

Rolex Submariner 116613LB replica

Rolex Submariner 116613LB Replica

We all know that the Rolex Submariner series is very hot. Replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB is no exception. This 116613LB also has classic design like the iconic Oyster case, Mercedes hands and Cyclops. The case is a combination of 904L stainless steel and 18ct yellow gold. The royal blue dial is particularly attractive. The blue Cerachrom ceramic bezel has a gold scale.

Why Keep Value

Rolex Submariner 116613LB replica watch

Rolex is one of the most popular luxury replica watch brands in the world. This is not only because of Rolex’s high quality guarantee and strong craftsmanship, but also because Rolex’s unchanged design style has become a symbol of fashion. Rolex watches are also the accessories of choice for many celebrities. The price of replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB has also been increasing.

The price of Rolex will be so high because its market value has been rising. But not every Rolex watch has the same gain. So before we buy a replica watch, we must do a thorough investigation.

replica Rolex Submariner 116613LB

Blue, as an enduring bright color, has been used by various watch brands. Choosing a watch with a blue dial can not only reflect the mature elegance of the wearer, but also show their own unique charm. It is both fashionable and dignified. Any time you wear such a replica watch, it must be a beautiful style in the crowd.

Fake Patek Philippe Limited 175th Edition 5575G Watch

Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G fake

When you look at the night sky, some watch enthusiasts will think of the watch related to the sky. That’s right, presenting the night sky on the watch is also a big selling point of the watch industry today. If you wear a starry dial watch, you can see the starry sky without looking up. When it comes to star watches, we must mention the special limited edition of luxurious fake Patek Philippe.

Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G fake

Birth Time

2014 is the 175th anniversary of Patek Philippe 1839. To commemorate this special day, Patek Philippe released a lot of excellent watches. One of them is the fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G. This is a limited edition luxury watch. There are only 1,300 watches in total.


Patek Philippe fake World Time Moon 5575G

Fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G combines the spirit and romance of world travel. It pairs with world time in a unique way. This is an innovative way to display the phase of the moon. There are two rotatable dials on the dial. The outer dial cross lists 24 place names. On the right is the eastern city. On the left is the western city. The internal dial shows the 24 hours corresponding to each area. White represents day and black represents night. The hour hand is specially designed into the shape of a hollow star, which highlights the grand theme of the starry sky.

Moon Phase

The moon phase of the fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G is located in the center of the dial. The moon system consists of two thin disks stacked on top of each other. The bottom disk is a beautiful night sky. It contains a very detailed and large moon. This starry sky disk returns to its original position every 29.53 days. The second disk is a static disk. It is a mask that exposes only the visible part of the moon.


fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G

Fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G has a round 39.8MM white gold dial. To prove that this is a limited 175th watch. The caseback is printed with the text “PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE 175e Anniversaire 1839 – 2014”. Matching the black dial, this fake watch has a black alligator strap. In addition, the buckle is made of gold.

Fake Patek Philippe World Time Moon 5575G designed the moon phase, starry sky and other elements on the dial, giving a mysterious beauty. Since the development of fake Patek Philippe, the star watch has become an integral part of the brand.


Should We Choose Replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV?

Rolex Submariner 116610LV replica

Rolex submariner is a solid and durable model. Green is the color of the Rolex brand. This color is very beautiful with Rolex watch. This is in line with the pursuit of personality of modern people’s needs. The green Rolex watch is a highly recognizable watch. So what is the specific reason why we chose replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV.

Rolex replica Submariner 116610LV

Green Dial

Rolex Submariner’s dial is one of the simplest and most practical. Although it doesn’t have the same time dial as Daytona, this replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV has a date window. The most important reason to buy it is that it has a green bezel and dial. This color is highly recognizable. Green is not only a representative color of replica Rolex, but also a young and energetic color. The time scale is made of 18ct platinum with long lasting brightness. This is a dial designed and hand-made by Rolex’s employees. And it has a high degree of identification.

904L Stainless Steel

replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV

Rolex’s stainless steel watch always uses 904L stainless steel. So 904L stainless steel is not only the feature of this replica watch, but also the feature of Rolex. 904L stainless steel is often used in high-tech industries, such as aviation and chemical industry. So it has high corrosion resistance. This superalloy not only has strong corrosion resistance but also is not easy to wear. Even in the most extreme environment, its charm is still intact.

Oyster Watch Chain

Oyster style watch chain has perfect function and design. This watch strap is equipped with oyster type safety buckle which can prevent accidental opening. And a glidelock buckle that can be easily extended without using any tools. Even if you wear a diving suit, you can still experience a stable and comfortable wrist watch.

No.3135 Movement

Rolex Submariner 116610LV replica

Replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV adopts the NO.3135 automatic upper chain mechanical core developed by Rolex. Like all Rolex movements, the No.3135 movement is also certified by the Swiss COSC. The movement is equipped with parachrom filament, which helps to resist the impact and temperature change. The construction of this movement is the same as that of all oyster wristwatch movements, with unparalleled reliability.

With these four features, you should buy this replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV. But it has stopped production, and the second-hand price of the watch has been rising. The most important thing is that the real Rolex Submariner 116610LV is very difficult to buy. So I suggest you buy a replica watch.