Fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505 With Clear Dial

Cellini Time is a category in the Rolex Cellini series. The re-emergence of Cellini in 2014 indicates that the sleeping prince is awake. In fact, as an office worker, I think Cellini is the best choice for a dress watch. I can wear them except for exercise time. And I like it simple. Next, I will introduce a simple fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505.

Rolex Fake Cellini Time 50505 watch


Rolex Cellini watches are generally made of precious metals. So it’s no surprise that fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505 has an 18k Everose gold case. The crown is also made of the same expensive metal material. 18k Everose gold embodies nobility and elegance.

Only Time

Rolex Cellini produced three categories of fake watches in 2014. They are Cellini Time, Cellini Date, and Cellini Dual Time. Then fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505 is the simplest Cellini Time watch of 2016. Because its white dial can only display one time and no date. It has a cleanest 39MM dial.


Fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505 watch

Each hour marker in the dial is indicated by a stick. But except for the 12 o’clock time scale, the other time scales are divided into two by the minute mark ring in the middle. This design is that the original simple dial does not look so simple. We must admit that this is a clever design. And the hour markers and hands on the dial are made of 18k Everose gold, which echoes the bezel and case.


Rolex Cellini Time 50505 Fake watch

If you are wearing a Cellini watch for the first time, you will doubt whether this watch is a Rolex watch. Because unlike the heavy sports series, Rolex Cellini has an extremely thin case profile. It is one of the thinnest products in fake Rolex watches. And fake Rolex Cellini Time 50505 also has a dark brown leather strap, which is very soft. So this Rolex Cellini watch is very comfortable to wear on the wrist.

I really recommend you buy a fake Rolex Cellini watch. Because it is fashionable and comfortable to wear. Believe me, once you wear it you will love it.

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